Bedtime Story 4

Rumpled Bed - The Out Of My Mind BlogLike many of my fellow Americans, I have trouble sleeping through the night. My therapist insists this is nothing more than a bad habit I picked up many years ago, and that it will go away once I admit to myself that mommy isn’t bringing her little precious a bottle.

My wife, however, has another theory.

She insists I wake up during the night because I cannot resist having a snack before going to sleep. This is nothing more than my wife transferring her feelings because I can eat cheese and she can’t.

I suppose snacking in front of her, while at the same time fluffing up the pillow behind my back, is not the best way to change her mind

(FOR THE RECORD: Cheese is 100-percent safe to eat in bed because it does not leave crumbs—although the crackers might.)

I tried my best to gently point out the flaws in her logic, patiently refuting her emotional comments with quotes from the scientific literature such as, “Says you,” and “Tell me again when you got your therapist’s license.”

(FOR THE RECORD: These responses are 100-percent effective as long as you don’t use them for every argument.)

Yet, she persisted, despite my having four college degrees to her three. And one of mine is from an Ivy League school so it counts twice.

Finally, I relented.

“You’ll stop snacking?” she said. It was as much of a question as MacArthur asking Hirohito, “So you’re surrendering?”

I told her I’d look into it. Not exactly what she wanted to hear.

I have found that, after two decades of marriage, surprising your wife every now and then is a good thing, because it gives you something new to talk about…once you start talking again.

As it turns out, having cheese before going to sleep somehow wakes up the liver which, according to a serious-looking article on the internet, doesn’t like to work at night. Apparently, going to sleep with a grumpy liver is about as peaceful as dating a Gentile girl while living with a Jewish mother.

Trust me. I’ve done both.

As an American, however, I found the news shocking (about livers, not Jewish mothers).

Since when is being a body part a 9-to-5 job? What kind of a work ethic is that for a major organ? Are other organs in on this? Does my bladder have a last call at 2AM (that would explain a lot)? Was there a union election I missed?

I don’t want to get political here, but my liver ought to consider that there are more than a few livers out there, mostly in the victims of fatal automobile crashes, that would love to flee their current situations. They’d be happy to work 24/7 for three square meals a day and a diaphragm over their heads.

Plus snacks.

My wife did ask me the other day what I found out about my sleeping problem.

Rather than telling her that I needed organ transplants, making it sound as if I were minutes away from sharing a cryogenic tank with Walt Disney, I simply told her that the internet agreed with her.

In retrospect, I probably didn’t need to add, “for what it’s worth.”

The good news is I have given up the snacks. Just as I suspected, I’m not sleeping any better. That may not be my liver’s fault. Sleeping on the floor is not all that comfortable.

I’ll know more once my wife relents and let’s me sleep on the mattress, which I’m having trouble getting into the doghouse.


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Photo: Jay Mantri/Pixabay (Rights: Public Domain)

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4 thoughts on “Bedtime Story

  • catlandude

    Jay, I also have a sleeping problem and tend to eat a snack before bed. By chance several nights this week we have eaten later then usual. 7:30 – 8 versus punctual 6:30 in time to sit in front of the TV for national news and Jeopardy. I found I wasn’t hungry before bed so I didn’t have a snack but I did have Sleepy Time tea. Surprisingly, I slept rather well other than the usual bathroom trips.
    No advice just thought you’d like to know.


    • Jay Douglas Post author

      Hi Robbie…

      I did not make up the part about the liver. Well, I’m sure you know that everything I write is 100-percent the truth, but that liver business is 110-percent true. Well, I found it on the internet, so it’s 110-percent true times the probablilty that anything on the internet is true. I also sleep better when I didn’t have that last snack of the day.

      Now you’ve also demonstrated that cutting out the snacking does work. A few more comments like yours and I’ll be ready to write a scientific paper. Look for a little something in the mail when I win the Nobel Prize for medicine. (I’m going to have to leave out the Sleepy Time tea part, since it will distort the data, but who’s going to know?)

      — jay

      PS: I’m not telling my wife about your sleeping better without the snack.

    • Jay Douglas Post author

      Hi Bryna…

      Thanks for the comment. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Did you read the humor story about how co-living companies are helping with the problem of millennials living at home with their parents? It’s called Living Room. I think you’ll get a kick out of it.

      — jay