Heart Carved On Tree - The Out Of My Mind Blog 4
From hearts carved on a tree to heart emojis, that little heart shape resembles none of our 78 internal organs. Why? Sure the human heart is as romantic-looking as a plate of lime Jell-O. But, let's just say mistakes were made.

Have A Heart

Family Tree - The Out Of My Mind Blog 4
What controls our behavior? Do we have free will? Or are we constrained by our family tree? The truth will profoundly affect your life. Especially if you're married.

Heredity Matters — Pass It On

Mail Carriers 1917 - The Out Of My Mind Blog 4
Back in 1874, a U.S. Post Office letter carrier, Benjamin W. Salisbury, began a practice that has continued through the years. If you haven't heard about it you have no idea what you're missing.

Take A Letter

Polo Grounds, 1908 - The Out Of My Mind Blog 2
Do you know the name of the third most-often sung song in America? (Hint: Numbers one and two are the "Star Spangled Banner" and "Happy Birthday.") You've probably sung it scores of times. Too bad you don't know the words.

Hit Music

Five O'Clock Stubble - The Out Of My Mind Blog 6
Why spend half your life waiting for that saggy, droopy and baggy look that says you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Here's a faster, simpler and painless way to get that all-important world-weary look now.

Art of Darkness

Wrinkled Sheets - The Out Of My Mind Blog 8
Can wrinkled bedsheets destroy the potential for a romantic evening? Here's what one expert has to say. (FOR THE RECORD: The expert is my wife.)

Sleep On It